NHTI's Sports Management degree program prepares you for career interests that combine management skills and knowledge of the sports industry. Courses are offered during the day and evening and can be taken 100% online.
One of the major factors contributing to career success in the sports field is experience. You will work with a faculty member to find an internship location based on your desired specialization in sports management. This program has the following articulation agreements in place for easy transfer: Southern NH University, Rivier University, and New England College.
The Sports Management degree program is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs.
Do you have questions? Contact Aaron Conn, department chair, at aconn@ccsnh.edu or 603-271-6484 x4143.
Apply for this program today on our Admissions page with step-by-step instructions and enrollment pathways build just for you!
The goal of the program is to develop well-trained business professionals for positions in the administration or management of sports businesses or sports organizations. Some careers include media, retail sports, sports travel, facility, and event management. Understanding the business, legal, and marketing aspects of sports management is an invaluable tool.