PSYC105C: Introduction to Psychology

Credits 3 Lab/Practicum/Clinical Hours 0 Lecture Hours 3
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Focuses on the fundamental facts and principles of psychology within the broader context of contemporary personal and social concerns. Topics may include the historical development of the discipline, scientific methodology, human development, motivational theory, consciousness, sensation and perception, learning, thinking, memory, emotions, biological basis of behavior, personality theory, psychopathology, sexuality, and measurements and statistics. 

Upon completion of this course, students will be able to demonstrate the following:

  • Describe the history of psychology and its scientific basis, identifying key figures and schools of thought in the history of psychology.
  • Differentiate between descriptive and experimental research strategies and illustrate how they would be applied..
  • Demonstrate understanding of the biological and environmental bases of psychology, including bases for individual and group differences
  • Explain theories of human development, including those of Piaget (Cognitive Development), Erikson (Psychosocial Development), and Kohlberg (Moral Development).
  • Identify and explain basic concepts related to perception, consciousness, learning, and memory, and intelligence.
  • Explain and apply various perspectives on motivation and emotions/stress, including biological, environmental, and cultural influences.
  • Identify and explain theories of personality, how behavior is determined to be abnormal, and the treatment of psychological disorders as classified in the DSM-V.
  • Describe the field of social psychology.