

PSYC105C: Introduction to Psychology

Credits 3

Focuses on the fundamental facts and principles of psychology within the broader context of contemporary personal and social concerns. Topics may include the historical development of the discipline, scientific methodology, human development, motivational theory, consciousness, sensation and perception, learning, thinking, memory, emotions, biological basis of behavior, personality theory, psychopathology, sexuality, and measurements and statistics. Available in honors format.

PSYC105MC: Introduction to Psychology: Mindful

Credits 3

An introductory course in psychology that focuses on the fundamental facts and principles of psychology within the broader context of contemporary personal and social concerns. Topics may include the historical development of the discipline, scientific methodology, human development, motivational theory, consciousness, sensation and perception, learning, thinking, memory, emotions, biological basis of behavior, personality theory, psychopathology, sexuality, and measurements and statistics. It features the study of mindfulness and incorporates mindfulness meditation as an optional instructional method while exploring aspects of emotional intelligence as they relate to psychology. (Students who have received credit for PSYC 105MC cannot also receive credit for PSYC 105C.)

PSYC205C: Crisis Intervention

Credits 3

Focuses on the emotional aspects of individuals involved in a crisis situation. Coverage is given to the theory and management of specific situations such as stress, death and dying, drug abuse, suicide, sexual assault, disasters, and violence. Consideration is also given to the functions and legalities of the mental health system.

PSYC210C: Psychological Disorders and Mental Health

Credits 3

An overview and examination of the characteristics of psychological disorders using the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th ed. Research and issues relating to the nomenclature, incidence, etiology, and treatment of the disorders will be covered. Consideration will be given to physiological, behavioral, social, cultural, and cognitive variables that contribute to each condition and to mental health.

PSYC220C: Human Growth and Development: The Life Span

Credits 3

A study of the psychological implications of the growth and development of the human person with a special emphasis on the physical, cognitive, social, emotional, and ethical dimension in infancy, childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. Available in honors format.

PSYC225C: Social Psychology

Credits 3

Offers an overview to the field of social psychology, a branch of psychology that focuses on how an individual’s thoughts, feelings, and behavior are influenced by and influence other people. These reciprocal influences include attention to the social and cultural environment. Predominant themes for the course include individual interpretation and social cognition, the influence and power of situations on individuals, and social relationships. Gender and cultural influences are examined from a variety of perspectives as well. Specific topics that will be studied include social cognition and perception, self-knowledge and self-esteem, attitudes, social influence, conformity, obedience, aggression, prejudice, interpersonal attraction, and prosocial behavior.

PSYC226AC: Sport and Exercise Psychology

Credits 3

Examines theory and research of psychology as applied to athletics. Students review the history of sport psychology as well as its application in both individual and team sports. Concepts to be discussed include individual philosophies of sports, motivation, personality of coaches and athletes, training and learning principles, mind-body relationships, and the effects anxiety, motivation, arousal, and relaxation have on performance of athletes at the professional, amateur, and youth levels. The sport psychology techniques used by elite athletes to improve sport performance will also be explored. Students will be asked to apply their psychological knowledge and critical thinking abilities through class participation and open discussions on professional, amateur, and youth sports. Outside observations of sports from youth to professional levels will also be required.

PSYC280C: Individual Counseling: Theory and Practice

Credits 3

Discussion of the most widely used theories of counseling offering students the opportunity to integrate the theories within their own value systems. Counseling practice will consist of peer counseling process, audio and video recording critiques and role-playing in a seminar setting.

PSYC283C: Group Counseling

Credits 3

A study of therapeutic intervention as carried out in and through a group. The course design includes academic discussion of group processes and participation in a concomitant lab experience.