Sustainable Agriculture

Degree Type
Associate of Science

NHTI's Sustainable Agriculture degree program prepares you for the business and science behind running a small profitable farm in Northern New England and gives you the courses needed for transfer into a 4-year degree program. You'll develop the skills to market your product through farmers markets, roadside stands, community-supported agriculture, and restaurants as part of the local food-to-table movement. As an advocate for the production of environmentally friendly food in their community, you'll understand the holistic role of the agroecosystem and how to balance the economic, environmental, and social needs of the farmer and community. You'll specialize based on your agricultural preference. This program is financial aid-eligible.

Do you have questions? Contact Amy West, department chair, at or 603-271-6484 x4243.

Admission Requirements

Apply for this program today on our Admissions page with step-by-step instructions and enrollment pathways build just for you!

Career Information

Students develop the skills necessary and complete the classes needed to enter these careers (not an inclusive list):  

  • Farmer/farm manager
  • Market gardener
  • Farmers market manager
  • Sustainable agriculture consultant
  • Local food buyer for supermarket
  • Organic/sustainable retail and support
  • Agricultural fair worker
  • Manager and marketer of agricultural operations
  • Manager of working lands and landscapes
  • Agriculture/food/nutrition/natural
    resources-related researcher
  • Policymaker

General Education Requirements

Item #
Lecture Hours
Lab Hours
Subtotal Credits
Major Requirements 
Item #
Lecture Hours
Lab Hours
Subtotal Credits
Total Credits
Additional Information

Program Learning Outcomes
  • Students will communicate effectively.
    • Students will employ vocabulary pertinent to agriculture.
    • Students will complete research and use peer-reviewed sources of literature.
  • Students will use critical thinking.
    • Students will apply the scientific method. 
    • Students will assess agricultural trends and identify appropriate management strategies.
  • Students will demonstrate the application of scientific technology.
    • Students will practice lab and field safety procedures.
    • Students will utilize current technology to collect, analyze, and present data.
  • Students will express quantitative and qualitative scientific knowledge.
    • Students will demonstrate knowledge of sustainable agricultural practices.
    • Students will describe connections between the environment and human societies and how each affects the other.
Technical Standards

Students must have the strength, stamina, motor coordination, and sensory capabilities for the following actions:

  • Standing for sustained periods of time; walking, running, bending, and sitting on the floor/ground
  • Frequent lifting, moving, and transferring of equipment, plants, and/or livestock
  • Sufficient visual and hearing acuity to ensure a safe environment and respond quickly to clients, colleagues, and partners in the event of an emergency
  • Sufficient verbal ability to express and exchange information and ideas and to interpret instructions to
    clients, colleagues, and partners
  • Ability to work with frequent interruptions, respond appropriately to unexpected situations, demonstrate safe care for colleagues and the workplace, and cope with variations in workload and stress levels
  • Ability to consistently attend and participate in classes and lab
  • Ability to demonstrate and maintain organizational skills and time management in classes and labs

NHTI reserves the right to amend its technical standards at any time and impose them on all current students.