Child and Family Studies

Degree Type
Associate of Science

Child and Family Studies ProgramNHTI's Child and Family Studies degree program provides you with an integration of theory, research, and practice from multiple disciplines and offers the well-rounded education needed to work with children and families. You'll participate in hands-on experiences catered for you career goals; the practicum courses allow you to work with your populations of interest. This degree provides you a foundation of course work to pursue continued education in the areas of counseling, social work, public administration, juvenile justice, conflict resolution, or other related disciplines. The degree is offered both in-person and online.

Do you have questions? Contact Diana Menard, department chair, at or 603-271-6484 x4281.

Admission Requirements

Apply for this program today on our Admissions page with step-by-step instructions and enrollment pathways build just for you!

Applicants may be required to have a personal interview with a department faculty member.

Career Information

Students who complete this program can enter into the following professions: early childhood educators, family/parent educators, home-visiting service providers, social services caseworkers, early intervention/special education assistants, and service providers for community agencies serving children, youth, and families.


Second Year

Fall Semester 
Item #
Lecture Hours
Lab Hours
General elective - Child and Family Studies  +
3 - 4
3 - 4
Subtotal Credits
Spring Semester
Item #
Lecture Hours
Lab Hours
Subtotal Credits
Total Credits
Additional Information

Child and Family Studies students complete supervised, hands-on training in the form of two 15-week practica, each 125 hours (~ 8 hours/week) as part of their program of study. These experiences offer the opportunity to apply theories and principles to real-world situations. Students in Child and Family Studies must have successfully completed HSV 111C, HSV 242C, MHTH 187C, PSYC 105C, and PYSC 283C, each with a C or higher, and have permission of department chair of Child and Family Studies.

Program Learning Outcomes

The Child and Family Studies Department is a hands-on, project-centered, competency- and evidence-based program that facilitates the growth of leaders preparing to work with children, families, and communities. Graduates are able to: 

  • Describe the development, roles, and interaction patterns of children, youth, and families within their social systems. 
  • Describe the contributions of multiple theories or practices to the field of child and family development, both within and across disciplines.
  • Demonstrate the ability to synthesize multiple information sources and points of view into a discussion of major child and family development issues. 
  • Present a project or paper linking knowledge from work, community, or research activities with knowledge acquired in the study of child and family development. 
  • Identify dimensions of diversity in children, youth, and families and recognize oppressive forces that hinder their positive development. 
  • Demonstrate professional standards of ethical conduct.