Early Childhood Education Advanced

Degree Type

NHTI's Early Childhood Education Advanced certificate program help you further your knowledge in specialized topics such as children with disabilities and infant and toddler developments and allows you to participate in a practicum experience. This program is financial aid-eligible and can be completed entirely online!

Do you have questions? Contact Diana Menard, department chair, at dmenard@ccsnh.edu or 603-271-6484 x4281.

Admission Requirements

Apply for this program today on our Admissions page with step-by-step instructions and enrollment pathways build just for you!

Career Information

The courses in the Early Childhood Education Advanced Certificate meet the training and education requirements for the State of NH Early Childhood Teacher Credential, Level 4. 

Item #
Lecture Hours
Lab Hours
Subtotal Credits
Total Credits
Additional Information
Program Learning Outcomes

Students who complete the program will be able to: 

  • Understand young children’s characteristics and needs to create environments that are healthy, respectful, supportive, and challenging for each child. 
  • Demonstrate that they know about, understand, and value the importance of creating respectful, reciprocal relationships to support and empower families in their communities.
  • Understand developmentally effective approaches which emphasize positive relationships and supportive interactions to influence outcomes for individual children.
  • Design, implement, and evaluate learning experiences that promote a wide range of academic disciplines to build meaningful curriculum.
  • Responsibly observe, document, and assess children in a manner that supports children and families.
  • Implement various interventions for young children with ASD and children with disabilities across all developmental domains.
  • Demonstrate a variety of early childhood field experiences.
Program-Specific Requirements
  • Students will spend designated hours each week with infants, toddlers, preschoolers, or kindergarteners while taking early childhood courses. These hours will be considered a component of class participation. NHTI has an onsite lab school to meet the needs of these required lab hours. All students are expected to use the onsite lab school unless they work full-time in a licensed child care center or are 100% online and live at a distance from the NHTI campus that prohibits in-person attendance.
  • Upon acceptance into the program, students must complete the following paperwork:
    • A complete set of electronic fingerprints completed by the Department of Safety
    • Submission of a criminal record check that comes back clear or non-disqualifying; the cost
      associated with the fingerprinting and criminal record check is the responsibility of the student.
    • Completion of the licensing child care personnel health form by a licensed health provider
      indicating the student is in good physical health and has no mental or emotional disturbances
      that would prohibit him/her from caring for children in a group setting
    • Signed confidentiality form
    • Other related documents distributed by the department chair
  • Out-of-state students who are taking classes 100% online will need to complete their state’s fingerprinting and background check, child health care form, and any other paperwork required by that state.
  • Students must have transportation to and from NHTI approved practicum sites in their senior year.
  • Students must have a flexible schedule that allows them to spend weekday mornings and/or afternoons at their practicum site while taking classes. Students should be prepared to plan work hours around their course schedule knowing that these hours will change each semester.
  • All students must have access to a digital camera and video-capturing device to complete assignments. Online students will record themselves during practicum to share with their practicum teachers online.
Scholarship Program

CCSNH partners with Granite State College to offer tuition assistance to child care providers who are entering or are currently working in the field of early care and education. Eligible individuals must be working at least 20 hours per week. For more information, contact Diana Menard, department chair of Child and Family Studies, at 603-271-6484 x4281 or dmenard@ccsnh.edu. For additional information, visit the CCSNH page on early childhood education tuition assistance here.

There is also a scholarship available for this program through T.E.A.C.H. NH (click here for flyer). The T.E.A.C.H. NH Scholarship Program supports the cost of tuition and books, offers paid release time from work for scholarship recipients, and has a bonus upon completing 9-12 credits within a 12-month period. To be eligible, applicants must live in N.H. and work at least 30 hours a week in a licensed childcare program. Information and applications are available on the N.H. Connections site.