ADED243C: Community Dental Health II

Allied Dental Education
Credits 1 Lab/Practicum/Clinical Hours 0 Lecture Hours 1
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The course will address issues surrounding the access to care in alternative settings with advanced dental hygiene practitioners, current trends in community dental health, cultural competency in healthcare delivery, dental healthcare financing and reimbursement systems, international healthcare, and preventive strategies to improve oral health. Students will gain insight to evaluating scholarly healthcare literature and evidence-based research, importance of the research process, research designs and methods, basic biostatistical measurement, and analysis. Application of the information is displayed in the writing of an evidence-based research paper.


Learning Outcomes

  1. Integrate evidence-base decision making to evaluate emerging technology and treatment modalities to integrate into community dental health.
  2. Initiate and assume responsibility for health promotion and disease prevention activities for diverse populations in a variety of settings.
  3. Assess the community’s oral health needs and the quality, availability of resources and services.
  4. Advocate for effective oral health care for underserved populations.
  5. Evaluate reimbursement mechanisms and their impact on the patient’s access to oral health care.
  6. Access professional and social networks to pursue professional goals.
  7. Develop a foundational knowledge of funding mechanisms and financial management in oral health programming.
  8. Comprehend the career roles of the dental hygienist in healthcare promotion and disease prevention in alternative and community settings.
  9. Initiate an interprofessional collaborative approach with all patients when developing and implementing community dental health programs that are specialized, culturally sensitive, and promote health and wellness to all populations.
  10. Apply professional code of ethics, values, skills, and knowledge in all professional endeavors.
  11. Prepare dental hygiene students to make ethical and evidence-based decisions by acquiring, analyzing and documenting information utilizing current scientific research studies and biostatistics.