NHTI's Legal Nurse Consultant certificate program is for experienced RNs interested in serving as consultants and liaisons to the legal and healthcare profession. It combines business and legal theory and analysis with practical field experience. It is available evenings and weekends only and can be completed in one calendar year. This program is financial aid-eligible.
Do you have questions? Contact Stacey Peters, department chair, at speters@ccsnh.edu or 603-271-6484 x4274.
Apply for this program today on our Admissions page with step-by-step instructions and enrollment pathways build just for you!
Applicants are required to have:
- 45 college credits in general education courses from an accredited institution; 18 of these credits must meet distribution and content requirements designated by the ABA in at least three disciplines such as English, languages, humanities, mathematics and natural science.
- Proof of active RN license
- Work verification form demonstrating 6,000 hours of practice
- Two confidential letters of reference or completed Reference form
- Two hundred-word essay regarding reasons for choosing the NHTI LNC program
- Official high school and college transcripts
LNCs serve in healthcare facilities, insurance companies, law firms, and medical malpractice and workers’ compensation organizations. Legal work performed by an LNC must be done under the supervision and direction of an attorney. An LNC cannot give legal advice, represent a client, or engage in the unauthorized practice of law.
The LNC certificate program is approved by the American Bar Association (ABA) and is designed to prepare students to perform effectively in today’s legal and healthcare communities.
Program Learning Outcomes
Students will be exposed to the legal system and the role of the LNC/paralegal within the profession; the ethical rules governing lawyers, paralegals, nurses, and doctors; and the operation of a law office and a health care facility. Through the course sequence in the certificate program, NHTI LNC graduates will:
- Demonstrate an understanding of the legal system and master the litigation process.
- Use legal research skills to analyze issues related to damages, causation, liability within the legal process, and guidelines and regulatory issues related to the health care industry.
- Examine the insurance and health care industries as they relate to medical-legal issues.
- Review, summarize, and analyze medical records and other pertinent health care and legal documents for use in litigation or other medical-legal matters.
- Draft legal documents under supervision of an attorney and prepare opinions.
- Identify the role of the LNC and the ethical responsibilities associated with performing legal services.