ELET305C: Design Project Preparation

Electronic Engineering Technology
Credits 3 Lab/Practicum/Clinical Hours 5 Lecture Hours 1
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Contains the background material and preparation necessary for ELET 306C and consists of three integrated learning objectives, which are studied concurrently. Objective one will be to document, design, and build a team project that will use a typical industry project management process to complete a project assigned by the instructor. Product design documents will be created to guide this objective. Objective two covers the mechanics of designing and fabricating printed circuit boards. This includes the use of EDA tools. The tools used include but are not limited to schematic capture and printed circuit board layout. Printed circuit boards will be fabricated that encompass both traditional through-hole components and modern surface-mount technologies. An overview of industry standards of workmanship and safety are included.

In objective three, the student selects a senior project to be completed in ELET 306C, obtains approval for that project, and develops a detailed project definition. Much latitude is given in selecting a project. Projects may be undertaken individually or as teams. They may be internal or collaborative with industry. The project may involve developing a specific circuit or a more general exposure in an appropriate industrial environment. Ultimately, the project must meet the requirements outlined in ELET 306C and receive final approval from the instructor. The definition will serve as a guideline for the next phase of the senior project.


Students are required to pass prerequisite courses with a grade of C or higher. Exceptions apply; please consult your department chair.