Lecture Hours 3
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Consider assessment in two simple realms: for learning and of learning. The focus of this course is assessment for learning; otherwise on developing an assessment model where teachers and students envision and use assessments as an intricate part of the learning experience; not simply as tools to grade or evaluate, but as instruments to provide and receive feedback, and measure milestone accomplishments, on vital knowledge and skills directly linked to a CTE student’s chosen pathways.

This course addresses two general themes around assessment. The first is to develop a coherent vision around selecting, establishing and adjusting assessments that clearly link to learning goals. This vision establishes a platform for students, through participation in assessments, to develop a body of evidence whereby they can quantify their knowledge, skills and abilities. The second major theme is using assessment data effectively. This includes, for example, teachers providing explicit and actionable performance feedback for students (and their stakeholders). In this environment, teachers empower students to better reflect on their performance and in doing so, to know exactly where they “are” so they know where they need to focus their energies to meet learning targets. In addition, assessment data is also leveraged to help teachers plan and adjust (including on-the-fly) instructional decisions to better serve students' learning needs.

Ultimately a student's body of evidence -their performance on all types of valid assessments -is used by the teachers and student to determine whether a student has exceeded, met or not-yet met learning targets along their chosen pathway. This body of evidence takes on many forms, but as a whole represents a quantifiable level of learning. The following modules will provide a framework to design an assessment system that works for CTE.